Project Overview

In May 2007, the Lee Board of County Commissioners adopted the revised Three Oaks Parkway extension North alignment from the prior February 2001 adopted alignment. In 2010, minor adjustments were made to accommodate the planned Daniels Marketplace development. In 2017, the project was funded in the 5-year Capital Improvement Program and the traffic re-evaluation and design phases began. Due to increased growth along the Daniels Parkway corridor, the original Three Oaks Parkway Extension North roadway plans for Fiddlesticks Boulevard/Palomino Lane and Daniels Parkway intersection will not accommodate the projected traffic.

The County is moving forward with design and construction of the Three Oaks Parkway Phase 1 Segment. By building from south to north starting with the Fiddlesticks Canal crossing, roadway construction traffic impact (vehicles and equipment) will be minimal on Fiddlesticks Boulevard during construction of the Phase 1 Segment. In addition, construction traffic and equipment will use the Phase 1 Segment to access and build much of the Phase 2 Segment east of Fiddlesticks Boulevard. The roadway section is designed as a four-lane divided roadway with two 11-foot-wide lanes in each direction and a 5-foot wide bicycle lane. In Phase 1 there is an 8-foot-wide sidewalk on the west side of the roadway and a 6-foot-wide sidewalk on the east side of the roadway. In Phase 2 there are 6-foot-wide sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. The typical median width is 22 feet.

After the traffic study was completed it was determined that Daniels Parkway needs additional improvements. The Lee County Department of Transportation coordinated with the Florida Department of Transportation to develop the proposed improvements. Daniels Parkway will be converted from a six-lane divided highway to an eight-lane divided highway. This includes adding capacity to the right and left turn lanes and a new signal will be installed at Powers Court/Apaloosa Lane. These additions will improve the operation of the intersection at the new Three Oaks Parkway.

To provide access to local residents and shopping, an internal connection will be built between Three Oaks Parkway and Fiddlesticks Boulevard. The map below shows the Phase 2 Segment, which includes Daniels Parkway and the new signal at Powers Court/Apaloosa Lane.

Three Oaks Parkway Overall Concept

View Traffic Analysis Report (large file)

View Three Oaks Parkway Extension Daniel Parkway Display

View Three Oaks Parkway Extension Phase 2 Display

View Three Oaks Parkway Extension Traffic Display

Phase 1 is expected to be complete in late summer 2025.
Phase 2 construction is expected to begin in spring 2025 or earlier.